7th May heralds the start of National Doughnut week here in the UK so today we’re using this as an excuse to talk about CAKE.

One of the problematic things with our workplace culture in the UK is the bringing in and sharing around of treats in the workplace. Whenever a colleague has a birthday, or something to celebrate, out come the cakes. It’s a cake fest. But is all the sugar really good for you?  You may go into work on Monday morning with the resolve to eat salad but if you’re feeling a bit bored during the mid-afternoon slump and someone starts waving a giant cream-filled choux bun in your face, will you be able to resist?

You may also have a colleague that keeps a drawer full of sweets ‘for emergencies’ or you find that the tin of Quality Street getting passed around always seems to end up left in your in-tray.

But what can you do about it? We feel your pain. We’ve been there ourselves. We’ve eaten the cakes and then we couldn’t fit into the t-shirt. Which is why we are here to help! This month 4 of our short courses on special offer are centred around health and wellbeing – and having the confidence to say no!


Principles of Healthy Eating

The effects of what we eat are felt throughout the body, from the way we look to our mental health – so knowing the right food to eat (and what not to eat) is important.

Our CPD certified Principles of Healthy Eating course is great for both individuals interested in nutrition and healthy eating, as well as employers looking for healthy eating training courses for staff. This short course aims to provide the basic skills, knowledge and understanding needed to live a healthy lifestyle and make healthy eating habits. It covers a wide range of areas such as health issues, food hygiene, preparation, nutrition and food safety.

It could inspire you to develop some healthier habits when it comes to eating in the workplace. Like requesting healthier foods in your vending machines, making some food swaps or baking something wholesome and nutritious to bring in on your birthday – or even non-edible treats to share around. There can sometimes be a stigma about sharing healthy foods, so by taking this course we hope you will see there is life after cake and you can share your knowledge of the benefits of healthy eating with your colleagues and lead by example.


Principles of Weight Management

A sensitive subject which needs to be handled carefully with employees or co-workers. Our Principles of Weight Management course is designed to give the knowledge needed to understand health issues and how to control and manage a healthy diet. The course material covers healthy eating, diet and how our body image can impact our daily lives.

Principles of Exercise and Fitness

Exercise and fitness are important for everyone, in order to maintain their health and well-being, and for anyone looking to improve their mental health or lose weight.

Whether you are looking for online fitness courses for yourself, or you are an employer looking for fitness training for staff, our CPD certified online understanding exercise and fitness course can help. It covers a range of subjects including nutrition guidelines for a healthy diet and weight loss, the health benefits of exercise, the anatomy and the physiology of the human body.

Taking a break from your desk, taking the stairs instead of the lift, perhaps getting out for a walk at lunchtime – all of these things can help boost your health in the workplace and your productivity. This course will encourage you to listen to your body, make simple healthy changes and start taking care of yourself a bit better.

Chocolate cake

Developing Personal Confidence and Self Awareness

This course teaches you how to look at personal behaviours in situations where you may feel confident or lack confidence and the causes of low confidence – along with uncomfortable social situations and the reasons for these. You will review examples of behaviour which may be inappropriate in such situations, and how to change your attitude and behaviour in order to participate more effectively.

It also examines scenarios that cause stress, how to recognise feelings of stress and techniques to reduce it and improve your well-being. You will learn how to plan short-term goals, make action plans to meet them, how to identify and record achievements, and how goal setting can affect your confidence.

This course is perfect for helping you to develop some self-awareness so that you don’t just mindlessly eat whatever chocolate happens to land on your desk. It will give you the tools to say no to cake without feeling rude or excluded and if you’re the one that always brings the cake, it will help you to examine how this behaviour affects other people and what you can do to be ‘kind’ instead.

Confidence in the workplace is a big issue for many of us and by looking at in a different way and developing strategies to build your confidence you can be happier and healthier at work. Who knows, you may even feel brave enough to ask your boss for a raise!

25% off for the month of May

All of these online courses are 25% off for the month of May. Usual price: £30 but if you use the code SUNNY6 at the checkout you can get one for just £22.50. That’s cheaper than a round of cakes!

All cakes pictured hand made by Lucy