How to be more assertive at work


Last month we wrote about ways to maximise employee potential in the workplace. That article was inspired by a study by the Association for Project Management which found that 21% of workers said they felt uncomfortable when asking for a promotion or pay rise, and 11% believed their bosses were unapproachable on the topic. In addition to this, 46% [...]

4 ways to maximise employee potential in the workplace


What are you doing to maximise employee potential in your workplace? According to a recent study by the Association for Project Management, half of UK employees are frustrated that their potential is being wasted in the workplace. Many feel as though they are not able to progress from their current role as there are not enough opportunities for them [...]

Eleven leadership and management tips for an accidental manager


One of the strengths of our business is that we not only have the qualifications to deliver, but we also have the experience too. We know exactly what it is like to become an ‘accidental manager’ where you are promoted because you have excellent interpersonal skills and love working with people, but you have no leadership and management qualifications [...]

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