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So far Lucy has created 25 blog entries.

A closer look at Inclusion and Diversity in the workplace


Acknowledging Inclusion and Diversity inclusion in the workplace are vital components of a healthy, happy and respectful work culture. But how do we go about making these changes and why are they important? Diversity and Inclusion are often discussed together (along with Equality) but they are different concepts and organisations need to consider both when developing their strategies. Inclusion [...]

Are you unconsciously biased?


Are you unconsciously biased? Understanding the role that factors such as Equality, Diversity and Inclusion play in creating a safe and inclusive workplace culture is now central to the position of most managers and team leaders. Many of us have a pretty good idea of what kinds of language and behaviour are acceptable - both at work and home [...]

Managing menopause in the workplace


The impact of managing menopause in the workplace can have far-reaching effects on employees, managers and teams. Employers are finally starting to acknowledge that the effects of menopause on workers is a serious issue and that supporting menopausal employees is the best way to create a healthy and happy working environment for everybody. Menopausal women are now the fastest-growing [...]

How to be more assertive at work


Last month we wrote about ways to maximise employee potential in the workplace. That article was inspired by a study by the Association for Project Management which found that 21% of workers said they felt uncomfortable when asking for a promotion or pay rise, and 11% believed their bosses were unapproachable on the topic. In addition to this, 46% [...]

4 ways to maximise employee potential in the workplace


What are you doing to maximise employee potential in your workplace? According to a recent study by the Association for Project Management, half of UK employees are frustrated that their potential is being wasted in the workplace. Many feel as though they are not able to progress from their current role as there are not enough opportunities for them [...]

Sustainability in the workplace – how you can make a difference


Sustainability in the workplace is a bit of a hot topic at the moment. Around 18% of the UK’s total carbon emissions are attributed to commercial businesses - one of many areas that will need to be improved if the UK is going to reach its 2050 net-zero targets. Although some corporations are making bold steps towards net zero, [...]

Employee wellbeing – how to spot burnout in yourself and others


Three years ago, the World Health Organisation acknowledged the significance of burnout as a growing problem by including it as an ‘occupational phenomenon’ in the revised edition of their International Classification of Diseases. Burnout is fast becoming a really serious problem, for managers, employees and organisations, but not everyone understands exactly what it is. Whatever your understanding or experience is of burnout, [...]

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